Thursday, June 7, 2012

Daylily Survivors

After a lengthy hiatus I was inspired this week to share images and names of the daylilies in my 7b/8a garden that are blooming their hearts out without any special care at all from me. As I try to rekindle my passion for gardening it is very interesting to see which plants have prevailed amidst the weeds without supplemental water or even in many cases removal of the previous year's dead remains.

The small bed close to my deck was my first "flower bed" and has evolved into mainly daylilies and salvias which seem to make good companions.

In the above pic are Daylily 'Helaman' ~

and Daylily 'All Fired Up' with 'Wispy Rays' in the background.

On the other side of the same bed is Daylily 'Galaxy Explosion' with tiny 'Siloam June Bug' behind it.

From another angle Daylily 'Bela Lugosi' opens its ffo right next to 'All Fired Up'.

Hanging out over the edge of the same small bed is Daylily 'Let it Rip'. These are not all of the daylilies in the bed but all of these pictures were taken on one cloudy, overcast morning this week.

Kudos must be given to Daylily 'Lotsa Dots' for doing so well in the big bed in spite of encroaching Centipede grass and haphazard trimming from the lawnmowing crew.

Moving on to the newest bed that was never properly finished but has lots of hemerocallis. Not pictured but now blooming are Daylilies 'Star Asterisk','Vintage Bordeaux','Norma Jean' and 'Moses Fire' along with some unnamed plants. I have pictures of  'Bengali Princess'

and Daylily 'Kilauea' ~ both Brian Mahieu selections.

In yet another bed I have Daylily 'Chesapeake Crablegs' with a tough seedling of Salvia 'Henry Duelberg' as a flowering partner.

and stalwart Daylily 'Matt' with the weeping flowers of Blue Love Grass cascading over its flowers.

Of special note in my observations is that the daylilies do not like being crowded by the Mother of Thyme that thrives and wants to take over in my garden. So even though the gardener lost her way ~ these daylilies did not. Isn't it grand?

1 comment:

  1. I adore daylilies. i have some from my grandmothers home where we lived as children. they grew outside my bedroom window. when new owners tore the house down unexpectedly, i was able to dig some up. they are just the old fashion orange but they are blooming now and i love them.
